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Commercial Work

Here's a taste of my commercial work

Corky's Pest Control

Just dancing around with some bugs.

Lopez Tonight!

Promo for George Lopez talk show on TBS!

This spot proves I'll do anything for a laugh.

Kansas Lottery

Nothin says "holiday season," like singing alternate lyrics to your favorite carols.


Royals Super Bowl Spot

I got paid to get kissed by a hot girl.

Aint Life grand?

NASCAR spot "Mail Call"

For SpeedVision, directed by Timothy Kendall.

Shot with a RED.

Butterfinger Buzz

I'm shameless.  Ok.

Get your buzz on.


This was a fun and easy shoot.

Wow, my long hair was awesome.

More comedic shorts


Dem & GOP: Mud Slinging

From a series of sketches directed

by none other than Jerry Zucker!

Goggle Man

Shot on XD Cam all over San Diego.

You Talkin to Me?!

Robert DeNiro in his new career as rapper.

The Trumpty Trump

The Humpty Hump adapted for the Donald. This one is HUUUUGE

My Russian Roommate 

Ever have a really nosy roommate?

Probably not like this.

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